Who’s to blame if you slip and fall at a waterpark?

Slipping and falling can happen anywhere. Whether you’re walking down stairs or you’re on a pathway after a short rain shower, there is a risk that you could slip and end up falling down and hurting yourself. Since it’s the summer and temperatures are heating up, now is a good time to talk about…

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Why don’t buses have seat belts?

One of the standard pieces of safety equipment on every single car is a seatbelt. There are laws requiring people to wear seatbelts, on account of how many lives they save and how they reduce catastrophic injuries.  But when you get on public transportation, you may notice that buses do not have seat belts….

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Is there more than one kind of concussion?

When you hear that someone has a concussion, you probably think about them getting hit in the head, feeling tired or being disoriented. What you may not realize is that there are five different kinds of concussions, and the symptoms may not be that simple. Concussions, by definition, are mild traumatic brain injuries. There…

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Are city buses safer than passenger cars? 

Many people throughout the Houston metro area rely on the use of buses to get around. They wouldn’t be able to get to school, work, the store or wherever else they needed to travel here in the city if it weren’t for the availability of mass transit options like city buses. But are city…

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How dangerous is compartment syndrome?

What would you mention if someone were to ask you about the most serious injuries you could suffer in an accident short of death? You’d likely refer to amputations, paralysis, internal organ damage and maybe even broken bones.  While the injuries cited above are certainly catastrophic, there’s another one that few individuals recognize: Compartment…

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