Underride and Override Truck Accidents Explained

Truck accidents are inherently devastating due to the significant size and weight difference between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles. Among these, underride and override truck accidents stand out for their severe and often catastrophic consequences. Our attorneys emphasize the importance of understanding these types of collisions as it is crucial for victims and their…

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Causes Behind Exxon Explosions in Texas

Texas has a rich history of industrial operations, harboring major players in the oil and gas industry. This prominence brings with it inherent occupational hazards, including the risk of catastrophic explosions at facilities operated by global energy companies like ExxonMobil. These unfortunate instances pose great risks not just to workers but can also have…

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What compensation should you consider after a car accident?

If you’re involved in a car accident, and someone else caused it, the first thing you may think of is the damage to your car. It’s going to be very costly to repair. This may be solved by having insurance, but it can still be a lengthy process and it’s important to have the…

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Traumatic amputations can occur in a car wreck

People who are involved in a car crash can have a variety of injuries, depending on the crash. One of the possibilities is a traumatic amputation. This is one of the more serious injuries that might happen. There are two types of traumatic amputations – complete and partial. A complete amputation means the body…

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A brain injury can change your personality

People often think about physical changes after a brain injury, or they may think about mental changes. For instance, they may consider having trouble remembering things after a brain injury or struggling with mobility if that injury affects the part of the brain responsible for these actions. But it’s also important to note that…

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Being realistic about the impact of a spinal cord injury

Your spinal cord serves as the communication conduit between your brain and the rest of your body. It sends impulses to move your limbs when you want to walk or pick something up. It receives information from your body about pain and temperature and uses that to guide your behavior. This information travels as…

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