What can you expect when living with paralysis?

If you were involved in a serious collision, you may have symptoms of paralysis due to a spinal cord injury. Paralysis itself is when you are unable to make voluntary movements, and it’s directly linked to disruptions in the nerve signals from the brain to the muscles around the body.

Not all kinds of paralysis are permanent, which is important to understand. Some kinds are temporary and heal, at least somewhat, over time. Other kinds result in a permanent loss of function.

Paralysis doesn’t look the same for everyone

While most people think about paralysis as a loss of function, they may not realize that paralysis may be different for each patient. Some patients have partial paralysis, or paresis, which allows them to have some muscle control. Others have complete paralysis with no control.

Paralysis may also include spastic or flaccid types. Spastic paralysis has tighter muscles and uncontrolled spasms and jerking motions. Flaccid paralysis means that the muscles aren’t tight, so they shrink and become flabbier over time.

It’s possible to have a gradual onset of paralysis, which is why it’s a good idea for all injury victims to seek emergency medical care. If you have symptoms such as muscle cramps, a loss of feeling and muscle control that is worsening or tingling or numbness in the limbs, then these symptoms could be a sign of the onset of gradual paralysis.

When you’re hurt in a car crash, your priority should be your health. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, so that you can minimize the risk of permanent paralysis and get help for symptoms as they develop.