3 kinds of losses families can seek in wrongful death claims

Losing a member of your immediate family won’t just be emotionally painful. It can also lead to financial devastation. Families that unexpectedly lose someone well before they would naturally die may have numerous financial consequences to address beyond just dealing with the funeral and other immediate needs related to the tragedy. 

Family members may experience permanent financial consequences when someone dies, and insurance may not be available to fully cover their losses. Some families may hope to secure justice by bringing a wrongful death claim in the Texas civil courts. 

What kinds of expenses can your family seek in a wrongful death claim? 

Lost wages

The largest financial impact of someone dying may come from the loss of their weekly paycheck and work benefits. Especially if they were the primary wage earner for the family, their untimely death could lead to financial devastation. 

The loss of their services

Most family members help contribute to everyone’s standard of living by performing certain tasks around the house. If your loved one provided child care, changed the oil in the family’s vehicles or made repairs to your home, it could cost tens of thousands of dollars annually to hire a professional for those same services. 

Your pain and suffering related to the loss

Losing a spouse, child or parent unexpectedly can cause profound grief and lead to Lasting emotional and psychological changes or family members. The Texas family courts can award families compensation based on the pain they suffer after losing someone they love. 

Determining what to seek in a wrongful death claim will help you demand justice after the loss of someone you love.