3 internal injuries that you need to look out for after an accident

If you are involved in a car accident, it is important that you check into the hospital as soon as possible so you can be examined and treated for any injuries sustained. This is crucial for your health’s sake as well as for documenting your injuries for purposes of litigating your car accident lawsuit. 

While car accident injuries like broken bones and cuts are easy to spot, others like internal injuries tend to fall under the radar because they are not readily visible. That said, here are common internal injuries that you need to look out for following a car wreck. 

Brocken or fractured ribs

Broken or fractured ribs following a car accident happen when the chest area is subjected to forceful pressure during the impact. This usually occurs when the driver slams against the steering wheel or the passenger violently smashes against the car’s body. Some of the symptoms of rib fracture or breakage include breathing difficulty, swelling in the fractured area, tightness in the chest and internal bleeding. 

Internal bleeding

Internal bleeding (or hemorrhage) happens when blood vessels are damaged during the impact. As a result, the affected vessel may fail to clot and repair itself resulting in continuous bleeding. If internal bleeding happens within the brain, the injury victim may experience symptoms such as headache, seizures, confusion, loss of vision and speech difficulty.  Other symptoms of internal bleeding include passing out blood in urine and fecal matter, breathing difficulty and vomiting blood. 

Pneumothorax injuries

Sometimes, a broken rib can puncture the lungs resulting in its immediate collapse. If this happens, air can escape the lungs into the chest cavity resulting in sharp pain, tightening of the chest and breathing difficulty. Other internal organs, like the liver and kidneys, can be damaged during the impact. These damages can result in organ failure and other serious health complications. 

A car accident can leave you with a wide range of injuries. Find out how you can pursue the responsible party for compensation if you are hurt in a car accident that is not your fault.