The physics of an accident with a larger vehicle

There’s been a major focus over the years on making all cars much safer than they have been in the past. The crash test rating system helps with this, as you can compare different vehicles and see how they stack up. While this is beneficial, there is still something to be said about the…

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Why don’t buses have seat belts?

One of the standard pieces of safety equipment on every single car is a seatbelt. There are laws requiring people to wear seatbelts, on account of how many lives they save and how they reduce catastrophic injuries.  But when you get on public transportation, you may notice that buses do not have seat belts….

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Is there more than one kind of concussion?

When you hear that someone has a concussion, you probably think about them getting hit in the head, feeling tired or being disoriented. What you may not realize is that there are five different kinds of concussions, and the symptoms may not be that simple. Concussions, by definition, are mild traumatic brain injuries. There…

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What kinds of brain injuries can you sustain in a car accident?

Brain injuries are some of the most common types of harm one can suffer following a car accident. Their severity can vary from minor to life-changing. If you have sustained a brain injury following a car accident that was not your fault, you may sue the negligent or reckless party for restitution for your…

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Watch out for an excessive number of delivery drivers this holiday season

Every year, the number of online shoppers in the United States continues to go up. In 2021, the prediction is that roughly 230.5 million people will shop online. A lot of this shopping happens around the Christmas season. People find it convenient and simple to buy items online for the month or two leading…

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What can you expect when living with paralysis?

If you were involved in a serious collision, you may have symptoms of paralysis due to a spinal cord injury. Paralysis itself is when you are unable to make voluntary movements, and it’s directly linked to disruptions in the nerve signals from the brain to the muscles around the body. Not all kinds of…

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