Texas police are reminding motorists to avoid the “fatal 5”

It’s National Road Safety Week, and Texas authorities are making efforts to educate and inform motorists about the dangers out there on the roads. While there’s no way to prevent every possible roadway hazard, the police are focusing on the things that are within each driver’s ability to control. The fatal 5 bad habits…

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Why do federal regulators require truckers to complete pre-trip inspections? 

Unlike the average motorist, truckers cannot just turn the vehicle on and head off to their destination. It is a bit more complicated than that.  Federal regulators require truckers to perform a pre-trip inspection to ensure their 18-wheeler is in the best possible condition before heading out on the road. There are a few…

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How does accident reconstruction work?

If you’ve been involved in a crash or known someone who has, one of the things that happens immediately following is accident reconstruction. A team of professionals works with witnesses, photographs, video and other pieces of information to reconstruct the crash scene and understand how the crash happened. Accident reconstruction is a branch of…

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A loved one in a coma can cause heartache, tears and expenses for families

Victims injured in Texas vehicle accidents often suffer severe or catastrophic injuries. They face many expenses — from emergency room visits to lengthy hospital stays to follow-up doctor appointments. Even worse, they can lose income from missing work and have few financial resources to fall back on. Have you ever wondered why people choose…

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Truck wrecks and brain injuries: Even mild concussions can have lasting consequences

In a truck crash, one major risk is developing a serious brain injury. Even a medium-sized truck weighs between 10,000 and 14,000 pounds, which is well over the average 2,000 to 6,000 pounds that a passenger vehicle weighs.  When one vehicle is much larger and heavier than the other, there is a greater risk…

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The role accident reconstruction plays in 18-wheeler crashes

When catastrophic injury or wrongful death occurs in Texas 18-wheeler accidents, victims need all the help they can get. In most cases, this means acquiring adequate compensation from the responsible party or insurance companies. A valuable yet overlooked form of assistance involves having an authority reconstruct the accident to prove you deserve compensation. You…

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